5 Breast Feeding Tips

A new mother might be thinking that breast feeding is a hard concept to grasp. Other new moms figure that the baby will just automatically start breast feeding by themselves. In all fact, both of those statements are wrong. Breast feeding is not an art form and is rather natural. The main aspect is to entice a baby to start breastfeeding. Once a baby starts to breastfeed, they will catch on quickly and you will not have to show them much more than that.

Below are five breast feeding tips that will help a new mother breast feed successfully. Although you may feel like you do not need breast feeding tips, it is best to read over them anyway. You might find that you learn something you did not know before.

1. Make sure you are relaxed. A baby knows and senses when a mother is not relaxed. If you are not feeling relaxed, your baby will not feel relaxed. This is a close time for you and your baby, make every moment count.

2. The second of the breast feeding tips is to prepare your baby to latch on. This step is very easy. Your baby will not automatically know to open their mouth in order to latch on. They do not know what is in store for them just yet. The best thing to do is nudge your finger gently on the side of the mouth and wait for the baby to open their mouth.

3. Once the baby has opened their mouth, you will then need to inset your nipple onto the child's mouth. This is where new mothers get confused. The question usually is, how far? So, the best way to described it is to make sure they have their mouth around your nipple almost completely. Ever nipple size differs so it is up to the mother's best judgment. The main thing is to make sure the nipple is completely in the baby's mouth without their nose being suffocated by the breast. You want to make sure they breathe freely.

4. As you nurse your child, make sure you hold them in a football position. There are other positions; however, this one seems to work the best for new mothers. Whichever position you choose, make sure you hold your baby close and support their head.

5. After the baby is done, hold them and comfort them. This is the closest moment a mother has with her new born baby.

Breast feeding tips are designed to help new mothers figure out breast feeding. These breast feeding tips may not work for everyone, as everyone's body and child are different. Always, as with anything, use these breast feeding tips as a guide. In order to get the most out of the bond you will share with your new born baby, make sure you read some of the links below to many different topics and discussions. A new mother can never be too prepared.

Michael Gunn offers a wide variety of products for breast feeding, as well as much needed advice and tips for the mother and child. Visit http://www.DoubleBreastPumps.com!

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/parenting-articles/5-breast-feeding-tips-848025.html
