Permanent Pubic Hair Removal

Is permanent pubic hair removal possible? Well the answer is empathically yes! Well sort of. Since the only thing certain and guaranteed is death and taxes; we will have to live with the best today's current methods have to offer. It is mutually agreed between the professionals that electrolysis or laser treatment is the closest thing we currently have to permanent pubic hair removal. Laser treatments when done properly in the hands of a professional seem to be long lasting. Pubic hair removal with electrolysis has been known to have lasting effects of six months to a year or more. It is also agreed and accepted within the industry that permanent hair removal means hair will remain dormant and not grow back for at least six months to a year. This surely beats shaving every other day or trimming three times a week.

Who Should Go Permanent?

The best potential candidates for permanent pubic hair removal via electrolysis are individuals who have tried trimming and shaving as first options. For some shaving close can be time consuming, hazardous if not done correctly and frequent in application. As often as several times a week is not uncommon. In addition shaving close can cause discomfort from sharp hair stubble and ingrown hairs. Trimming on the other hand; may not get as close as shaving but trimming pubic hair usually requires even more frequency as often as every other day in most cases. Trimming also is known to cause discomfort as the clipped hairs prick against the skin as your underwear presses against them. Men and women find that shaving, trimming and waxing to be extremely temporary and they can find themselves in a never ending cycle of pubic hair re-growth.

The Difference Between Men & Women

To remove or not to remove; that is the primary question that must be considered. Whether you are a man or a woman the decision to permanently remove pubic hair with electrolysis is just as crucial. The primary difference between men and women is slight; only that men have more obvious obstacles and will have to be a little more careful. Of the many factors that must be considered the most important is understanding that permanent pubic hair removal via laser treatment is a long term lifestyle process. Treatments by a professional can be expensive $100 - $200 per session and can require several sessions. The good news is you may only have to do this procedure two or three time per year on average. So to remove or not to remove; it is a matter of personal choice and what works best for you.

What Must Be Considered

Consistency; long term permanent pubic hair removal will be a lifestyle decision similar to the hair on your head or beard on your face. You will have to budget the ample time and the necessary monetary considerations. So you must be prepared mentally for the following three processes:

1. Habitual Lifestyle Decision: pubic hair management will become a part your lifestyle and personal grooming requirements as a whole. Don't approach this without the proper mental mindset and understanding that this is a permanent decision. If you do not you will find yourself frustrated and will waste a lot of time and money in the process.

2. Electrolysis Method: known as laser treatment is FDA approved and has been since 1998. The process focuses high intensity amplified light on an oscillating wave directly through the skin. Hair follicles are generally darker than the skin and absorb the laser's energy and die down to the root. Good results can be achieved in only three to four sessions. Electrolysis works best on dark hair in combination with light skin because darker colors found in dark hair absorb most of the laser's energy. Light colored or blonde colored pubic hair tends to be harder to treat and more laser energy is absorbed by the skin and can cause extra irritation and blistering. In addition dark skin can also be problematic for laser pubic hair removal and treatment options should be recommended by a professional.

3. Monetary Budget: Cheaper do it yourself kits are available but why take the risk; it is best to consider professional treatments and professional consultation. In the beginning sessions may be front end loaded and require three to four visits to your local electrolysis. Treatment prices tend to vary according to what part of the country you live, applications typically range from $90 - $250 per session and average $150 so don't forget you visa. You should look to budget around $500 - $1000 to get through the first round of application. The good news is that the need for additional application should only be two to three times per year and cost less each time.

Once your investment in your permanent pubic hair removal is complete and your treatments are successful (normally after the first six months to one year) your pubic hair will never re-grow, and your tireless days of trimming, clipping, shaving and waxing will be a distant memory.

Marcus H

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