5 Cloud Computing Myths: Do you believe it?

Various technology giants like Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Salesforce.com, etc are investing aggressively in the cloud computing, but various analysts criticize the cloud platform for its security, reliability and compatibility concerns. Cloud computing is fast becoming mainstream all over the world and offers on-demand utilization of a shared, infinite amount of compute resources via the Internet.

However, to various organizations and people, the concept of cloud is not clear and creates confusion and outright misunderstanding. In the feature, we discusses about the various myths about the cloud computing.

1. Compatibility matters

It is assumed that cloud computing is too proprietary and no two clouds are alike, both in nature and in IT, for example the Amazon's cloud platform is different from the Google's and Microsoft's. However, the reason for such incompatibility is the difference between their ways of data storage, management and retrieval.

Various companies said that the proprietary nature of the cloud computing platforms is necessary requirement as it provides a safe distance between the two platforms.

2. Privacy issues

For various companies, every new technology has a possible privacy issue and therefore, cloud computing also generates the same gut feeling. Also, the location where data is going to be stored is not define, which can be really problematic for big organizations. Further, every country has its own privacy and data management laws that applied on stored data and cloud computing.

3. Reliability factor

After the recent crashes of Gmail and T-Mobile's Sidekick service, it is said that the cloud computing is not reliable. As no two clouds are similar, firms are saying that the services are not full dependable. But, using multiple vendors can help the companies against such crashes or failures.

Data Recovery: Recovery of data is another security risk for cloud computing after such crashes. Due to data scatterings, recovery can be a complicated like the recent T-Mobile's Sidekick service recovery.

4. Migration

It is said that the Cloud computing is a one-way option for companies and various users added that they have limited options when it comes to migrating back out later from the services. However, the outwards migration requires lot of physical carriers like tapes or hard drives. Further, it is not certain that the cost for migration would be borne by customer or vendor. But, it is certain that the option for cloud computing will not end at a dead end.

5. Cloud’s scalability

Various market experts have suggested that it is too difficult to make use of the cloud's scalability. It is said that the most common language like PHP were not designed to scale, therefore languages like Scala has been designed for making an app scale and for Java inter-operability. Scaling is important, but has various constraints.

It is reported that the Apache Software Foundation's Hadoop used by Yahoo, and Google's MapReduce technologies use to access and aggregate results from large sets of data, which is distributed across various nodes.


The above mentioned myths in cloud computing cannot be avoided. However, anyone involved in making the cloud into more than just a buzzword should stay out as far possible because the services works on the principle of “Trust but verify” means check each and everything before you opt for cloud computing.
