Tips to Prevent High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is often termed as a "silent killer". This is because almost 70% of the people who have it are not aware of the fact that they are suffering from it. Uninhibited blood pressure can lead to heart attack, stroke, and heart and kidney failure. Since there are no symptoms, the only way to detect whether you have this problem is to have it checked.

There are various precautionary measures that you can take to prevent high blood pressure from occurring. Here are a few tips that can come in very handy:

Losing weight:

If you are over weight or are on the heavier side, then you must think of losing some pounds. High blood pressure is directly proportional to the body mass. Hence, maintaining a normal weight is very important. Losing weight is not as difficult as people make it to be. One can easily get back into shape by cutting back on fatty foods and eating healthy. Quantity control is the key.

Remember, if you eat only that amount of calories that you can burn, you will never gain weight.

Cut back on sodium intake:

Sodium is notoriously known to increase blood pressure considerably. According to the doctors, you should not take more than 23, 00 Mg of sodium per day, which amounts to about one teaspoon daily. Make sure whenever you go out grocery shopping you only buy brands with less salt consistency. Moreover, cut back on fast food such as fries and burgers.

There are many healthy alternatives to sodium, try developing a taste for them instead of using salt.

Develop an exercise routine:

Lack of physical movement is the root cause of any disease. It makes the body organs slow and sluggish. A good regular workout can really help one prevent blood pressure. Make sure that you work out vigorously for at least thirty minutes each day. This will keep your heart and mind very healthy.

Reduce the intake of alcohol and stop smoking:

Bad habits such as excessive alcohol consumption or smoking can also lead to a high blood pressure. People who smoke or drink alcohol excessively are prone to all sorts of heart diseases such as stroke; arterial disease and cancer. Studies suggest that men should not have more than two pegs a day and women should not have more than one.

Take your medication regularly:

If you have been diagnosed with blood pressure then make sure you take your medication regularly. Missing medication can have grave effects on your health.


There is an old saying that "Caution is better than cure". Hence, try to prevent high blood pressure from victimizing you, by following the above tips. Blood pressure is a serious issue and should be dealt with the same intensity. If you want to know more about medication, risk factors and types of this problem, then visit blood pressure.

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