Coping With Broken Heart

Broken Heart means any failure that leads to a setback to the emotions. The failure may be due to failure in achieving a goal, ambition, or breach of faith or failure otherwise. Though most of the people may define Broken Heart as the failure in love, but the concept has wider connotation and lasting consequences. Every individual tastes success and failures in life. The success normally all overshadows the failures and the individual is not his so much affected by the failures which may not have any impact on the personality of the individual. But gradually owing to the growth of individual from a child to a mature person, process of socialization, due to various factors such as social, cultural, religious, political, economic, psychological and factors such as print and mass media, mass media that effect the individual both positively and negatively, the effect of failures on individuals may become more powerful than his successes.

The some kind of balance of success and failure in the size to what we call as normal human beings. This is a part of any individual's development and this is true for almost all the individuals. However, what leads to destruction in life of an individual when failures overpower the successes, individual feels so much depressed, disgusted in life that he may feel totally alienated. This is more true in case of over-ambitious people those who have shed away their social relations to achieve a particular aim or target. This is imminent in youthful days when the individual is full of tremendous Energy for work: he attempts to achieve many a things... in which he may fail. The increasing number of failures may hit him so badly that it affects the whole person.

Broken Heart affects not only the individual but also but also society as a whole. The major effect of Broken Heart is on an individual's state of mind. It affects the brain, the amount of tension in the muscles of the face and body, the visceral glandular system, circulatory system, and respiratory system. Changes in emotions alter the appearance of world from bright and cheerful to dark and gloomy, thinking from creative to morbid, and actions from skillful and effective to awkward and inappropriate.

Such a person does not come to a doctor about his Broken Heart, which is actually the cause of sickness. He makes no mention of his Broken Heart and he accepts his Broken Heart as an unfortunate but normal, routine condition on the earth. He comes to a doctor because of the physical symptoms that the strain of his muddling through has begun to produce, not because of his Broken Heart. He as well as his doctor is unaware that same muddling through causes his physical symptoms and Broken Heart. He accepts Broken Hearts in matter of course. However, he does not accept the tiredness, the pain, and all other manner of other symptoms. He is uncomfortable and he is ready to do some things about them. Treatment is given to the symptoms by the doctors and not to the cause of symptoms. Such illness caused by Broken Heart is termed as Broken Heart Induced Illness (B.H.I.I.). One of the outstanding things about Broken Heart Induced Illness is that over 50 percent of those seeking medical aid today has it. Put it differently, if one becomes ill tomorrow or one is ill today, the chances are a little better than 50-50 that one is ill because of B.H.I.I. or still another way of putting it, A big book of medicine, such as medical students use, contains account of roughly 10,000 diseases that this human clay of ours is subject to. One of the diseases, B.H.I.I. as common as all other 9999 disease put together.


From the moment, you taste failures or setback to emotions, your life will not be the same. You can overcome some of the failures or setbacks but some incidents leave you shocked and since you are unprepared for it, leave a long lasting impression. Doctor is giving you medicines for your physical ailments, but neither you nor he understands that it is not due to physical disorders but it is due to emotional disorders. You are suffering from an illness that is not normal illness but illness due to Broken Heart, which I call as Broken Heart Induced Illness (B.H.H.I.). Broken Heart has a way of doing that – of creating turmoil in your life, in your family and in the society. It can change your priorities, relationships and the world around you. You may lose charm in life and may attempt suicide. You swing back and forth between helpless and strong, filled with hope and plunge into despair, loving towards family members and hateful.

Broken Heartbia: Broken Hearts may develop phobias of Broken Heart. They may pledge that they will make no relationships with the others fearing that whatever has happened today can happen again. Similarly, in other activities they may not attempt again because of fear of failure.

There is no uniform pattern of Broken Heart’s recovery as the individuals are different personalities and have different success patterns and goal achievements. It is difficult for parents to either know or accept that their child is suffering from Broken Heart Induced Illness, but awareness is required about this problem because it can act as silent killer.


Vardhan, Ranjay, Coping With Broken Heart-World’s first complete self-help book for Broken Hearts, 2007, Indian Publishers Distributors, Delhi, India ISBN: 81-7341-445-9
