5 Amazing Fruits you Should Eat

It’s common knowledge that fruits are very nutritious, and that most of us should really be consuming more than we are. The health benefits of fruits are extremely potent and cover a wide range of physical problems. From enhancing energy and everyday health to keeping our hearts clean and healthy to preventing cancer, these delicious foods have properties well worth their generous reputation, and there are dozens of reasons that you should take them seriously and include them in your daily diet. Here are a few of the healthiest fruits, and the benefits they contain.

1. Strawberries. – These pretty red fruits are bursting with a wide variety of vitamins, but they have more Vitamin C than anything else. - In fact, one cup of strawberries exceeds the recommended daily dose of vitamin C by almost 30%! These vitamins work together to improve your energy as well as to help prevent illness. They also happen to contain a lot of antioxidants, which help to prevent premature aging by fighting off the damaging effects of free radicals. The only downside to strawberries is that they are extremely perishable, and after having been frozen for even a small amount of time, they lose nearly all of their nutritious benefits, so make sure to eat them while they’re fresh!

2. Grapefruits. – These are another wonderfully nutritious fruit, and they are perfect for improving your heart’s health by lowering cholesterol levels. They are also good for helping your body process food more efficiently by decreasing the amount of insulin in your bloodstream. This causes your body to process more energy from the food that it takes in, and can help in losing weight. But their incredible benefits don’t stop there, as they have also been shown to be able to repair damaged DNA inside of cells, which helps in preventing several forms of cancer from developing.

3. Pineapples are great because they probably have one of the most varied amounts of vitamins and minerals. – They contain everything from calcium, fiber, potassium, to Vitamin C! This makes them perfect for helping boost your immune system and fight off illness, as well as giving you more energy. Pineapples also contain bromelain, which suppresses coughing and loosens up mucus, making pineapples a perfect snack or breakfast for anyone with a cold. They are also rich in manganese, which is a substance that the body uses to help build stronger bones. – So toss a little sugar on that grapefruit and enjoy it for breakfast! Your body will thank you later!

4. Next up are Apples. Now, apples have been known for a very long time to be a very nutritious, health-boosting food, and this is correct. Apples are well-equipped to handle several problems that can occur within the body to help keep you out of the doctor’s office. Apples are known as being anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-allergenic. They are also rich in flavanoids, a powerful antioxidant that will help to keep you looking and feeling younger. The substances in apples also work together to protect the cells in the body, helping to prevent the development and spread of cancer.

5. Finally we come to Avocados. Avocados aren’t as readily consumed as some of the other fruits, but they should be. These fruits are extremely efficient at helping your heart become strong, healthy, and reducing your risk of developing heart disease. They are low in fat, but also are one of the few fruits to naturally contain a monounsaturated fat that can actually help to lower your cholesterol levels. They also contain plentiful amounts of potassium, which regulates a health blood pressure in the body, as well as containing folate, a necessary nutrient for a strong heart. On top of all of this, Avocados also contain carotenoids and tocopherols, which can, when consumed together, prevent breast and prostate cancer.

We’ve all been told the importance of fruits to our health since we were children, and it’s time to add them to your daily diet if you haven’t already. The benefits are plain to see, and can make a substantial difference in your health and wellbeing. Fortunately, they are also versatile, flexible, delicious foods that can be added to almost any meal and make a perfect snack!

Cole Carson is a successful Internet and network marketer. He specializes in motivational topics, health and wellness, and marketing subjects. Buy Goji Health Juice today and love it! Learn about our amazing Goji Juice guarantee!

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/nutrition-articles/5-amazing-fruits-you-should-eat-266703.html