Heart Attack - 3 Signs

Coronary heart disease, in its various forms, is the number one killer in the United States. One way that it kills is heart attack. Most of us have seen a movie or television show in which someone has a dramatic heart attack. The actor clasps the chest, and falls to the floor in pain. The message is clear: he or she had a heart attack. Such a theatrical show of heart attack is not always present in real life, however. According to the American Heart Association, most heart attacks start slowly. If you know the signs, you can get help before they reach the dramatic point.

What Are 3 Signs of a Heart Attack That You Should Know?

Not everyone who has a heart attack will experience the same symptoms. It has been learned that men and women can have very different signs. There is enough similarity, however, that anyone, male or female, who has one of the basic three signs of a heart attack, should seek medical help immediately.

What are the three signs of a heart attack that should make you call for help?

1. Chest Discomfort: In most cases, a heart attack involves pain or some form of discomfort in the center of your chest. The feeling of distress usually lasts more than 2 or 3 minutes. It may stop temporarily, and then return as before. Heart attack discomfort can be experienced in various ways. It may be pressure that makes you uncomfortable. You may feel as though someone is squeezing your chest inside. Some patients say that it feels like the chest is too full, while others simply say it is pain.

2. Other Discomfort: In some heart attacks, the chest discomfort is accompanied by similar feelings in one or both arms. There may be pain in the back or stomach. Pain may also extend to the neck or jaw. The discomfort of heart attack is usually limited to the upper body.

3. Breathing Trouble: A heart attack victim is likely to have trouble breathing. This sign may be present whether or not there is chest discomfort.

Any of those three signs of heart attack should send you to a doctor. It may not be heart attack, but you should have it checked immediately.

Additional signs of heart attack might include lightheadedness, nausea, or a cold sweat.

First 5 Minutes of a Heart Attack

Time is of the essence in a heart attack! It is important to take action quickly if you are to save the person's life. If that person is you, seek medical help immediately.

Some people decide unwisely to wait until they are sure they are having a heart attack. Often, they wait too long before getting help.

Call 911, or your country's emergency number, within the first 5 minutes of heart attack symptoms! Do not wait longer than 5 minutes! If you cannot get emergency services within 5 minutes, have someone drive you to the hospital's emergency room as quickly as possible.

It is important to get medical help quickly. Normally, 911 is the best way to get rapid life-saving care. Ambulance staff can take action the moment they arrive. They can take action to keep your heart beating - and can often revive you if your heart has stopped. Finally, those who arrive at the hospital by ambulance usually receive faster treatment for heart attack than those who arrive by car - as much as an hour faster!

No Embarrassment

What are 3 signs of a heart attack? Those given above.

What is 1 sign that you may be acting unwisely? Waiting.

Doctors stress that there is no embarrassment in seeking medical help for a heart attack and learning that it was not that at all. Doctors and nurses would much rather you acted quickly on a false alarm than that you waited when the heart attack was real.

Learn the three signs of a heart attack - especially if you have any heart disease or risks for such. If you experience any of them, seek help.

Disclaimer: The author is not a physician, and shares this research for educational purposes only. Please ask your physician for more information on heart attack.

© 2007, Anna Hart. Anna is married to a man who suffers from heart disease, and brings to her writing years of experience and research. She invites you to read more of her articles about heart disease and heart attack at http://www.your-heart-disease-blog.com. If you are a woman, or know a woman with heart disease, you won't want to miss Anna's perspectives on chest pain in women. Visit Anna now. Advertisment